Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekly Bible Reading: September 16 - September 22

What I have read in the Bible this week:

God's Word

Mark 8-11
Hosea 1
1 Chronicle 14-15
Psalm 20-29

New International Version


Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekly Bible Reading: September 9-September 15

What I have read in the Bible this week:

God's Word

Mark 6-7
1 Chronicles 13
Psalm 6-19

Revised Standard Version

Mark 1

New International Version

Galatians 3-6
1 John
2 John 
3 John
1 Peter
2 Peter

Thursday, September 13, 2012

My TBR List

I decided I had to start keeping track of my massive "To Be Read" list.  This is not all of the books but it is a start.  The list begins with the first of this year.  Each year I will draw a line through the books I read.  Updates will follow.


Adena, Alex-Signs and Wonders

Augustine-The Confessions of Saint Augustine


Barclay, William-The Gospel of Mark

Barclay, William-The Letters of James and Peter
Bargerhuff, Eric J.-The Most Misused Verses in the Bible
Bartlett, R. E.-The Personifid Invasion
Blackaby, Henry T. & Claude V. King-Experiencing God
Bridges, Jerry-Transforming Grace
Brouwer, Sigmund-Death Trap
Bunyan, John-Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners


Carolan, Scott-Life Group Guide:  1 Corinthians 1-3 

Chesterton, G. K.-Heretics
Chesterton, G. K.-Orthodoxy
Chesterton, G. K.- Saint Francis
Chesterton, G. K.-The New Jerusalem
Chinchen, Palmer-God Can't Sleep
Creed, Frank-Flashpoint


Davis, Bryan-Raising Dragons

Davis, Bryan-Nightmare's Edge
Davis, Bryan-Eternity's Edge
Davis, Bryan-Beyond the Reflection's Edge
Dekker, Ted-Adam
Dekker, Ted-Blink
Dekker, Ted-Showdown
Dekker, Ted-Skin
Dekker, Ted-Thr3e
Dekker, Ted-The Bride Collector
Dekker, Ted-The Circle 1:  Black
Dekker, Ted-The Circle 2:  Red
Dekker, Ted-The Circle 3:  White
Dekker, Ted-The Slumber of Christianity
Dekker, Ted & Erin Healy-Burn
DeYoung, Kevin-The Hole in Our Holiness
Dickson, Athol-Winter Haven
Dodson, Brandt-Daniel's Den
Dodson, Brandt-White Soul 


Edwards, Jonathan-Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards
Evans, Tony-The Battle is the Lord's
Evans, Tony-The Perfect Christian
Evans, Tony-The Victorious Christian Life
Evans, Tony-What a Way to Live!
Evans, Tony-What Matters Most
Ewen, Pamela Binnings-Secret of the Shroud


Fabry, Chris-Almost Heaven
Foster, Richard J.-Celebration of Discipline
Fox, Richard Wightman-Jesus in America


Gregory, David-The Next Level
Gundry, Robert H.-Commentary on Revelation


Hancock, Karen-Light of Eidon
Hayes, J. Daniel & Tremper Longman III-The Message of the Prophets
Hileman, John Michael-Messages
Hughes, Kent R.-Genesis:  Beginning and Blessing


Ingermanson, Randy & John Olson-The Fifth Man
Ingermanson, Randy & John Olson-Oxygen


Jeremiah, David-The Handwriting on the Wall
Jeremiah, David-Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World


Kempis, Thomas A.-The Imitation of Christ


LaHaye, Tim-Jesus:  Why the World is Still Fascinated by Him
Law, William-A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life
Lindsay, Ernie-The Two Crosses
Litton, Matt-The Mockingbird Parables
Lucado, Max-Fearless
Lucado, Max-God's Story, Your Story
Lucado, Max-Grace
Luther, Martin-Concerning Christian Liberty
Lutzer, Erwin-Why the Cross Can Do What Politics Can't


Maier, Paul-The Constantine Codex
McGrath, Alister E.-The Unknown God
Miller, Calvin-The Disciplined Life
Moody, D. L.-Men of the Bible
Morrisey, Tom-In High Places
Murphy, Walter F.-Upon This Rock:  The Life of St. Peter
Murray, Andrew-The Master's Indwelling
Myers, Bill-Soul Tracker


Nuenke, Doug-Making Waves


Owens, Tim-The Search Committee


Packer, J. I.-Growing in Christ
Parrish, Robin-Corridor
Parrish, Robin-Relentless
Parrish, Robin-Vigilante
Pawlik, Tom-Valley of the Shadow
Peretti, Frank-Illusion
Peretti, Frank-Monster
Peretti, Frank & Ted Dekker-House
Peterson, Eugene-Eat This Book
Peterson, Eugene-Leap Over a Wall
Pink, Arthur-The Sermon on the Mount
Piper, John-Desiring God



Roever, Dave-Scarred
Ruchti, Cynthia-They Almost Always Come Home


Saint John of the Cross-The Dark Night of the Soul
Saint Teresa of Avila-Interior Castle
Setzer, Stoney-Zero Hour:  Stories of Spiritual Suspense
Sharp, Carolyn J.-Old Testament Prophets for Today
Shepherd, Linda Evans-When You Can't Find God
Sire, James W.-How to Read Slowly
Stanley, Charles-Handle With Prayer
Stendal, Russell-The Book of Daniel
Strobel, Lee-The Case for Christ


Tchividjian, Tullian-Jesus + Nothing = Everything
Thrasher, Travis-The Promise Remains
Thrasher, Travis-Solitary
Tozer, A. W.-The Pursuit of God




Wangerin, Walter-Paul:  A Novel
Wesley, John-The Teachings of John Wesley
Willard, Dallas-The Divine Conspiracy 



Yancey, Philip-Prayer
Yancey, Phlip-Rumors of Another World


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekly Bible Reading: September 2-September 8

What I have read in the Bible this week:


Mark 1-5
Psalms 1-5
1 Chronicles 1-12


1 Peter
2 Peter


Galatians 1-2
Philippians 1

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ministering Through Your Spiritual Gifts by Charles Stanley

I attend and am active in one church but go to a weekly Bible study at another church.  Why?  Because one of my best friends (Dave) leads the study at the other church.  Our pastor, his wife, my wife, and I lead the Young Adult Bible study at our church.  During our vacation Bible school this summer, my pastor taught about the spiritual gifts.  Pastor Jeff gave us a spiritual gifts test.  Mine showed that I have the gifts of knowledge and teaching.  

In the past, I have been a Sunday school teacher, worship leader (including writing our services when we were without a pastor) and on one occasion I delivered the message.  A couple of years ago, I stepped down from teaching due to my mother developing dementia.  She went to live with our Lord over a year ago but I never returned to teaching.  Satan kept reminding me about how I needed the free time.  Pastor Jeff's test reminded me that I needed to return to doing God's work through teaching.  And, in typical God fashion, that leads me to this book.

From the Introduction...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Operation Actually Read Bible

For the rest of 2012, I plan on reading from various different translations.  I will settle down and select a reading plan for 2013.

As I finish reading books of the Bible, I will add them to this list.

James (NIV, NKJV)
Jude (NIV)
Philemon (NIV)
Titus (NIV)
Obadiah (GW)
Nahum (GW)
1 Peter (GW)
2 Peter (GW)

Operation Deepen Faith

Becky at Operation Actually Read Bible is running the Operation Deepen Faith challenge.  I decided to sign up for all four sections.

I.  Wonderful Words of Life; Goal: read 1 book 30 times in 1 month.

II. Going Deep; Goal: STUDY one book of the Bible throughout the year.
    I am reading "The Gospel of Mark" by William Barclay to help with my study.  In addition, my goal is to read the Gospel of Mark in three translations.

III. Deep and Wide:  Read multiple books of the Bible in multiple translations
   I will decide in the near future which books.

VI. Christian Nonfiction. 
      My goal is to read at least ten books (including booklets).

Saturday, September 1, 2012

August 2012 Book Summary

I read, but did not review yet, the following books in August.  One was done as part of a weekly Bible study I am in.  I plan on getting up to date on my reviews in September.

1.  Church, Why Bother? by Phillip Yancey

2.  Ministering With Your Spiritual Gifts by Charles Stanley

3.  Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Tony Evans

4.  Tony Evans Speaks Out on Prayer by Tony Evans

Weekly Bible Reading: August 26-September 1

I have only been tracking my Bible reading over the last couple of days.  Next week's summary will reflect the whole week.

What I have read in the Bible this week:




Genesis 1
Matthew 1
Romans 1



Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cloud of Witnesses Reading Challenge 2012

Becky, of Operation Actually Read Bible, set up the "Cloud of Witnesses Reading Challenge".  The idea of the challenge is to get people to read Christian classics by authors who are dead. The works can be of any length.  The goal is to try authors you have not read before.  Here is my list of ones am looking at reading.  

Potential Readings

The Master's Indwelling by Andrew Murray
Dark Night of the Soul by Saint John of the Cross
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis
Concerning Christian Liberty by Martin Luther
Interior Castles by St. Teresa of Avila
Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards
Men of the Bible by D. L. Moody
The Gospel of Mark by William Barclay
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by John Bunyan
A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life by William Law
The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer
The Teachings of John Wesley

List of ones read:


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Christian Footprint

Recently, I started thinking about my Christian footprint.  You hear a lot of talk in the media about environmental footprints but you don't hear much about Christian footprints.  What footprint or legacy will I leave?  What is the best way to stay focused on my Christian walk and keep my eyes on the finish line? 

While searching the internet, I discovered a blog called Operation Actually Read Bible.  It was set up by Becky who wanted a place to keep track of her Bible reading and goals.  Her blog inspired me to start a similar project.  By establishing goals and posting them on this blog, it will help me to stay focused on the finish line.

Will this help anyone else with their walk?  I don't know.  In the words of Tony Evans, it's time to get serious about my Bible study.  No more excuses.  It is time to set goals and achieve them.  Our spiritual growth is a vital part of a Christian life.

"Time to Get Serious" and "No More Excuses" are two excellent books by Pastor Tony Evans.